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Easy 'N' Inexpensive
Ways To Enhance Atlas Ford Taurus

Steps for enhancing Atlas Ford Taurus

Paint inside of wheel spokes and grille with black acrylic – excess paint can be removed with a toothpick

Replace headlights with Microscale Kristal Klear (optional) – suspend model nose down while Kristal Klear dries

Color the back of the front turn signals/parking lights with orange marker (optional)

“Silver” back of headlights and turn signals/parking lights

Blacken center section of the taillight insert with marker

“Silver” back of taillight “lobes” and blacken the inside of the center section of the taillight insert

Decal license plates (optional)

Selective weathering with powdered Tempera paints


The easiest way to remove the body from the chassis is to start at the back and lift towards the front.

The taillight section can pop out when working with the model, be careful not to lose it.

The headlight inserts are also easily lost, that is how I discovered that Kristal Klear can be used to make headlights that will show on the cars with the dark paint schemes.

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